Jojo Ruba, Executive Director of Redeeming Conversations on Canada's Financial War Against Faith Communities
It is no secret that progressives in this nation, headed by the Liberal party of Canada, would love to see religious institutions go the way of the dodo. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to us, it isn’t exactly news that communist regimes, and those who envy them, tend to oppose and attack organized religion.
Communist governments seek to eradicate religion for one simple reason, so that the government can stand in place of the church, and in the place of God.
In addition, the shocking number of arrests of Christian pastors during Covid-19 and the mass arson of churches we’ve seen in Canada the last few years, arguably the most troubling pushes to undermine faith communities in our country had been to go after their finances and to revoke their charitable statis, and Trudeau’s finance committee is calling for just that.
To discuss whether our hard earn dollars are better left in the hands of local faith groups that we freely choose to support, or in the coffers of a wasteful bloated government bureaucracy via our taxes, and to explore to deep seated anti-spiritual materialism of Canadian politics today, Adam was joined by the executive director of Redeeming Conversations, Jojo Ruba.